Jumat, 27 Desember 2013

Google-owned Robot Named Schaft, Successfully Wins DARPA Robot Tournament


Google now is not just a search engine. Google has become a company that has a variety of business types, not to mention a robot. Even Google's robot has just recorded achievements and winning a robotics competition organized by DARPA.

Google's robots which works out to be the winner of the tournament named Schaft. This robot was built by a team from the University of Tokyo. The team was now a part of Google. There are sixteen teams participating in the competition. All teams must complete eight challenges, which are driving the car, opened the door and others. And Schaft who became the winner of the competition was designed to be used in extreme conditions, such as during fires.

The benefits of the Mediterranean Diet

mediterranean food

A number of studies conducted between the years 2006-2008 have shown that a Mediterranean-style diet had a positive impact on human health . Mediterranean -style diet has several characteristics , namely :

1 . Daily consumption of fruits , vegetables and cereals are high .
2 . Consume more fish than meat and chicken
3 . The low consumption of saturated fats ( meat , chicken skin ) and high consumption of unsaturated fats
4 . Rarely consume dairy products
5 . Rarely consume alcohol
6 . Frequent consumption of olive oil

Based on research , a diet like this brings many benefits . Well , what is the benefit of this kind of diet ?

1 . Extend life expectancy :
In a study conducted on 74,000 men and women of Europe were healthy and aged a minimum of 60 years , showed that a Mediterranean-style diet had a higher dietary score than the other diets . Dietary higher score correlates to a lower mortality rate .

2 . Preventing the emergence of Alzheimer's disease :
Researcher Nikolaos Scarmeas , researching diet records over several years from 194 patients with Alzheimer's disease and 1,790 healthy people , average age 76 years . Nikolaos Scarmeas diet pertisipan similarity measure with the Mediterranean diet . A diet with a score of zero , which does not describe the diet at all similar to the Mediterranean diet , while a score of nine shows that diet is very similar to the Mediterranean diet . Nicholas then examined the functions of the brain to the participants . As a result, the participants whose diets are approaching the Mediterranean diet ( scorenya 7-9 ) risk of contracting Alzhemeirnya 68 % lower when compared with participants who have different eating patterns . Another study conducted in New York also showed that the patients who ate natural Alzhemeier Mediterranean has a life expectancy 1.3 years longer when compared with patients with other diets .

3 . Prevent children suffering from asthma :
A study published in January 2008 showed that the mother during pregnancy using a Mediterranean diet have a lower risk for having a baby with asthma . Of the 468 pairs of mothers and children who he researched , 36 % of mothers did not diet and a Mediterranean -style diet 74 % Other Mediterranean . In women who are not a Mediterranean diet during pregnancy , the researchers found that 17 % of their children suffer from skin allergies and 6 % of their children had asthma .

4 . Prevent the emergence of allergies in childhood :
A study conducted on 700 children aged 7-18 years in rural areas in Greece . This study successfully demonstrated that children whose Mediterranean -style diet had a lower risk for developing respiratory allergies , skin and penyekit asthma .

5 . Preventing lung disease
A study on 43,000 men in the United States showed that a Mediterranean diet lowers the risk of contracting lung penmyakit like ephysema and bronchitis . Mediterranean -style diet and even lower the risk of contracting this disease among penyekit - smokers .

Temple Run 2 Game For Windows Phone

Temple Run

The sequel to the game Temple Run is now finally landed on the Windows Phone platform. Temple Run Game 2 is also equipped with an Xbox Live achievement in unusual owned by a free game.

Launch the game Temple Run 2 on the Windows Phone platform is also slower than coming to iOS and Android. Imangi Studios just released the game Temple Run 2 after 8 months of its release to the Android and iOS platforms.

This game also comes with features that look good, new powerup, new challenges, and a character with a particular strength is the most important achievement in the Xbox Live. This last feature can make Windows Phone gamers compete.

Temple Run 2 game can be played by smartphones that use Windows Phone 8 and 45MB capacity. And to play this game, Windows Phone smartphone owners do not need to spend any money, or free.

Kamis, 26 Desember 2013

Ubuntu Operating System is now the Official Touch Can Be Used Together with Android

Ubuntu Touch

Canonical as the party continues to develop the Ubuntu operating system Touch seeks to increase the popularity of the mobile OS in the future . They also recently announced the ability Ubuntu OS Touch to be used in conjunction with the devolved Android.Dengan , then the smartphone or tablet manufacturers will be able to produce devices with the option to dual boot Android and Ubuntu Touch . So far, most of the existing dual boot tablet on the market comes with the Android operating system and Windows .

The existence of dual boot Ubuntu Android - new Touch is still done by Canonical . Even so , switching between the two operating systems can be done easily . Unfortunately, support for dual - boot Ubuntu Android Touch is currently only limited to devices which officially gained support from Canonical .

But with the passage of time , the Canonical also likely to further facilitate the use of the Ubuntu OS Touch by side with Android . Especially the hardware compatibility issues .

U.S. Military Caught Using Pirated Windows 7 OS

Pirated Windows 7 OS

According to reports written by TorrentFreak , there are at least 18 computers that use Windows 7 is illegal . All 18 computers are located in the center of education in the U.S. military base in Qatar . One of the soldiers admitted that they are using pirated software .

Soldier whose name intentionally withheld it also said that it is long enough condition occurs . He also admitted that there has never been an attempt to use the license authorized and replace the pirated software .

The soldier also said that a soldier must be honest . Therefore he chose to disclose it to the public . And it's not necessarily reflect the figure as an anti - government .

The U.S. military itself actually has a good relationship with Microsoft . Earlier this year , the two sides signed agreements on the use of Windows 8 military ranks , Air Force and the Defense Information Systems Agency valued at 617 million USD .

The popularity of Windows Phone in India increased by 156 Percent

Windows Phone

India really into Windows Phone market with huge potential . Not surprisingly, Microsoft is trying to pull the three largest smartphone manufacturer in India to produce Windows Phone devices . Based on data from the third quarter of 2013 has just been released by IDC , Windows Phone smartphone sales rate increased by 156 percent compared to the year 2012 .

IDC noted that in the third quarter of 2012 , has sold 3.7 million units of Windows Phone smartphones . And in the third quarter of this year , the number of Windows Phone smartphone sales increased to 9.5 percent . Even so , in general, the market share of Windows Phone in India is still quite small , less than 5 percent .

In addition to Windows Phone , another platform height is increased Android . Level Android smartphone sales increased by 51.3 percent . Party IDC noted that the high increase in sales of both platforms for sale at a cheap price . Specifically for Windows Phone , the Lumia 520 is intended .

The impacts of global warming

global warming

In addition to making the earth hotter temperatures , global warming turns out to bring a number of other adverse effects , for example :
1 . Forest fires . In addition to exhausting ice , global warming also makes the forest becomes drier . dry forests is very flammable .
2 . Destructive peningggalan history . Heritage centuries old is now threatened by climate change .
3 . Erosion of mountain peaks . High mountains such as the Alps , for example , often covered by a layer of ice . due to global warming , melting ice becomes very easy . The flow is then scrape the surface of the ice mountains and can lead to landslides .
4 . Speeding satellite . Satellites orbiting the earth experienced friction with the upper atmosphere . due to increasing amounts of carbon dioxide , atmosfor at the top to be colder and harder to move . This results in reduced friction and satellites into satellites accelerate the pace .
5 . Changing the genetic code of living organisms . due to climate change , seasons changed. This season changes disrupt the life cycle of living things , for example , animal breeding cycle . As a result, the internal clock living things must change . The genetic code will inevitably be passed on to succeeding generations .