Kamis, 26 Desember 2013

Diet To Improve Brain Performance


Food is a source of nutrients for the body , including the human brain . It was no surprise when we eat eat very influential to the ability of our brain . Effect of dietary nutrients can not be felt immediately but must be consumed on a regular basis is good for breakfast , lunch and dinner . The following are some of the types of food consumed to improve the performance of the human brain .

The food we eat in the morning is the most important food for our bodies . These foods are the first source of nutrients that enter our bodies , and will affect the performance of the organs of the body throughout the day . In the morning meal is recommended to consume , low-fat foods such as fruits . Based on the research , fruits proved to increase the alertness of the brain in thinking . Beside rich in vitamins , fruits are also a source of antioxidants that can improve the immune system . It should be remembered , for ulcer patients avoid acidic fruits such as oranges .

Coffee and tea is a drink that is very good at breakfast time . Kafeine contained in both these beverages can increase the concentration of thought, reaction and perspicacity . Coffee and tea are also a source of antioxidants that support the immune system. Based on a research conducted in 2002 , proved even coffee can ward off Alzheimer's disease and mental decline due to aging .

Avoid foods that are high in fat and cholesterol , for example , meat , sausage , and eggs . In addition to difficult to digest , these foods can inhibit blood flow to the brain .

At lunch are advised to consume a diet rich in protein , for example , fish . Beside rich in protein , fish also contains the amino acid tyrosine . According to experts , the amino acids can stimulate the emergence of dopamine and norepinephrine . In addition to keeping the brain 's performance during the day , active dopamine can also prevent us from Parkinson's disease .

Legumes such as soybeans , is also a very good source of protein consumed . In addition to containing protein , beans are also lower in fat than meat , can lower cholesterol , and rich in iron , manganese , phosphorus and zinc . Soy can even prevent the onset of osteoporosis in women .
[Image ] Avoid eating rice , noodles , bread and sweet foods during the day . These foods contain a lot of sugar which can reduce the response of the human brain that makes us sleepy .

By the time dinner is recommended to consume foods rich in carbohydrates , such as potatoes , noodles cereal , oats , and rice . Carbohydrates in food will turn into serotonin which will make the brain become more relaxed . A relaxed brain will make us sleep more soundly so that the body will be refreshed tomorrow .

Oat is the best choice for dinner . Besides containing carbohydrates , these foods are also able to suppress the levels of cholesterol and rich in fiber which helps digestion .

Avoid foods that are high in protein at night . Also avoid drinking energy drinks or supplements brain at night . Energy drinks usually contain caffeine which makes it difficult for the rest of our brain .

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