Kamis, 26 Desember 2013

Historical and Scientific Explanation Regarding Vampire


Author modern vampire fiction , including Stephenie Meyer , Anne Rice , Stephen King and many others , have many unique and interesting knowledge about the vampire . But where did the idea of ??the modern vampire come from? The answer lies in the gap between science and superstition .
Some sources trace the origins of the vampire as a Romanian prince Vlad Tepes (1431-1476) , who fought for independence against the Ottoman Empire . Although most people consider it brutal and sadistic ( eg , slowly impale his enemies at the stake , burning them to death , etc. ) , in fact he was not overly cruel or not always cruel . Similar techniques are used by the Catholic Church and the ruling entity during the Middle Ages to torture and kill the enemy .

Bram Stoker is said to have mimic some aspects of the character Count Dracula Vlad Tepes . Although Tepes inspire modern vampire fiction , vampire ternyat roots are very different indeed . As a cultural entity , a vampire is a worldwide phenomenon . According to anthropologist Paul Barber , author of " Vampires , Burial , and Death , " almost every culture has some version of the local vampire stories , and surprisingly has similarities with the European vampire stories .

Beliefs about vampires actually comes from superstition and false assumptions about the decomposition of a body after death . The first record of the vampire circulated in Europe in the Middle Ages . These stories follow a consistent pattern : unexplained misfortune will befall one's cause , family , or they may be a drought dried up crops , or infectious disease outbreak .

Before science can explain weather patterns and germ theory , any adverse event that was not clear why blame the vampire . Vampire is an easy answer to the question of why bad things happen to good people . In those days , people combine their belief that something has condemned them and the fear of death , and then conclude that it may be that a dead person responsible for their misfortune , after the person has re-emerged from the grave with malicious intent . Suspected graves of people who would normally be excavated . Villagers then surprised and often assume the usual decomposition process as supernatural phenomena .

For example , a layman might assume that the body would decompose quickly , after the burial however , if the sealed coffin and buried in the winter , decay may be delayed for weeks or months ; intestinal bloating decomposition can create force blood up to mouth , so it looks as if the bodies were recently sucked blood . This process is understood by modern doctors through the coroner , but for society in medieval Europe it is considered a sign that vampires were real and there among them .

Although the original vampire is long gone , their legacy survive and vampires continue to fascinate the world . Presumably both the science and the wooden pegs would never kill a vampire .

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