Jumat, 27 Desember 2013

The benefits of the Mediterranean Diet

mediterranean food

A number of studies conducted between the years 2006-2008 have shown that a Mediterranean-style diet had a positive impact on human health . Mediterranean -style diet has several characteristics , namely :

1 . Daily consumption of fruits , vegetables and cereals are high .
2 . Consume more fish than meat and chicken
3 . The low consumption of saturated fats ( meat , chicken skin ) and high consumption of unsaturated fats
4 . Rarely consume dairy products
5 . Rarely consume alcohol
6 . Frequent consumption of olive oil

Based on research , a diet like this brings many benefits . Well , what is the benefit of this kind of diet ?

1 . Extend life expectancy :
In a study conducted on 74,000 men and women of Europe were healthy and aged a minimum of 60 years , showed that a Mediterranean-style diet had a higher dietary score than the other diets . Dietary higher score correlates to a lower mortality rate .

2 . Preventing the emergence of Alzheimer's disease :
Researcher Nikolaos Scarmeas , researching diet records over several years from 194 patients with Alzheimer's disease and 1,790 healthy people , average age 76 years . Nikolaos Scarmeas diet pertisipan similarity measure with the Mediterranean diet . A diet with a score of zero , which does not describe the diet at all similar to the Mediterranean diet , while a score of nine shows that diet is very similar to the Mediterranean diet . Nicholas then examined the functions of the brain to the participants . As a result, the participants whose diets are approaching the Mediterranean diet ( scorenya 7-9 ) risk of contracting Alzhemeirnya 68 % lower when compared with participants who have different eating patterns . Another study conducted in New York also showed that the patients who ate natural Alzhemeier Mediterranean has a life expectancy 1.3 years longer when compared with patients with other diets .

3 . Prevent children suffering from asthma :
A study published in January 2008 showed that the mother during pregnancy using a Mediterranean diet have a lower risk for having a baby with asthma . Of the 468 pairs of mothers and children who he researched , 36 % of mothers did not diet and a Mediterranean -style diet 74 % Other Mediterranean . In women who are not a Mediterranean diet during pregnancy , the researchers found that 17 % of their children suffer from skin allergies and 6 % of their children had asthma .

4 . Prevent the emergence of allergies in childhood :
A study conducted on 700 children aged 7-18 years in rural areas in Greece . This study successfully demonstrated that children whose Mediterranean -style diet had a lower risk for developing respiratory allergies , skin and penyekit asthma .

5 . Preventing lung disease
A study on 43,000 men in the United States showed that a Mediterranean diet lowers the risk of contracting lung penmyakit like ephysema and bronchitis . Mediterranean -style diet and even lower the risk of contracting this disease among penyekit - smokers .

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