Jumat, 27 Desember 2013

Google-owned Robot Named Schaft, Successfully Wins DARPA Robot Tournament


Google now is not just a search engine. Google has become a company that has a variety of business types, not to mention a robot. Even Google's robot has just recorded achievements and winning a robotics competition organized by DARPA.

Google's robots which works out to be the winner of the tournament named Schaft. This robot was built by a team from the University of Tokyo. The team was now a part of Google. There are sixteen teams participating in the competition. All teams must complete eight challenges, which are driving the car, opened the door and others. And Schaft who became the winner of the competition was designed to be used in extreme conditions, such as during fires.

The benefits of the Mediterranean Diet

mediterranean food

A number of studies conducted between the years 2006-2008 have shown that a Mediterranean-style diet had a positive impact on human health . Mediterranean -style diet has several characteristics , namely :

1 . Daily consumption of fruits , vegetables and cereals are high .
2 . Consume more fish than meat and chicken
3 . The low consumption of saturated fats ( meat , chicken skin ) and high consumption of unsaturated fats
4 . Rarely consume dairy products
5 . Rarely consume alcohol
6 . Frequent consumption of olive oil

Based on research , a diet like this brings many benefits . Well , what is the benefit of this kind of diet ?

1 . Extend life expectancy :
In a study conducted on 74,000 men and women of Europe were healthy and aged a minimum of 60 years , showed that a Mediterranean-style diet had a higher dietary score than the other diets . Dietary higher score correlates to a lower mortality rate .

2 . Preventing the emergence of Alzheimer's disease :
Researcher Nikolaos Scarmeas , researching diet records over several years from 194 patients with Alzheimer's disease and 1,790 healthy people , average age 76 years . Nikolaos Scarmeas diet pertisipan similarity measure with the Mediterranean diet . A diet with a score of zero , which does not describe the diet at all similar to the Mediterranean diet , while a score of nine shows that diet is very similar to the Mediterranean diet . Nicholas then examined the functions of the brain to the participants . As a result, the participants whose diets are approaching the Mediterranean diet ( scorenya 7-9 ) risk of contracting Alzhemeirnya 68 % lower when compared with participants who have different eating patterns . Another study conducted in New York also showed that the patients who ate natural Alzhemeier Mediterranean has a life expectancy 1.3 years longer when compared with patients with other diets .

3 . Prevent children suffering from asthma :
A study published in January 2008 showed that the mother during pregnancy using a Mediterranean diet have a lower risk for having a baby with asthma . Of the 468 pairs of mothers and children who he researched , 36 % of mothers did not diet and a Mediterranean -style diet 74 % Other Mediterranean . In women who are not a Mediterranean diet during pregnancy , the researchers found that 17 % of their children suffer from skin allergies and 6 % of their children had asthma .

4 . Prevent the emergence of allergies in childhood :
A study conducted on 700 children aged 7-18 years in rural areas in Greece . This study successfully demonstrated that children whose Mediterranean -style diet had a lower risk for developing respiratory allergies , skin and penyekit asthma .

5 . Preventing lung disease
A study on 43,000 men in the United States showed that a Mediterranean diet lowers the risk of contracting lung penmyakit like ephysema and bronchitis . Mediterranean -style diet and even lower the risk of contracting this disease among penyekit - smokers .

Temple Run 2 Game For Windows Phone

Temple Run

The sequel to the game Temple Run is now finally landed on the Windows Phone platform. Temple Run Game 2 is also equipped with an Xbox Live achievement in unusual owned by a free game.

Launch the game Temple Run 2 on the Windows Phone platform is also slower than coming to iOS and Android. Imangi Studios just released the game Temple Run 2 after 8 months of its release to the Android and iOS platforms.

This game also comes with features that look good, new powerup, new challenges, and a character with a particular strength is the most important achievement in the Xbox Live. This last feature can make Windows Phone gamers compete.

Temple Run 2 game can be played by smartphones that use Windows Phone 8 and 45MB capacity. And to play this game, Windows Phone smartphone owners do not need to spend any money, or free.

Kamis, 26 Desember 2013

Ubuntu Operating System is now the Official Touch Can Be Used Together with Android

Ubuntu Touch

Canonical as the party continues to develop the Ubuntu operating system Touch seeks to increase the popularity of the mobile OS in the future . They also recently announced the ability Ubuntu OS Touch to be used in conjunction with the devolved Android.Dengan , then the smartphone or tablet manufacturers will be able to produce devices with the option to dual boot Android and Ubuntu Touch . So far, most of the existing dual boot tablet on the market comes with the Android operating system and Windows .

The existence of dual boot Ubuntu Android - new Touch is still done by Canonical . Even so , switching between the two operating systems can be done easily . Unfortunately, support for dual - boot Ubuntu Android Touch is currently only limited to devices which officially gained support from Canonical .

But with the passage of time , the Canonical also likely to further facilitate the use of the Ubuntu OS Touch by side with Android . Especially the hardware compatibility issues .

U.S. Military Caught Using Pirated Windows 7 OS

Pirated Windows 7 OS

According to reports written by TorrentFreak , there are at least 18 computers that use Windows 7 is illegal . All 18 computers are located in the center of education in the U.S. military base in Qatar . One of the soldiers admitted that they are using pirated software .

Soldier whose name intentionally withheld it also said that it is long enough condition occurs . He also admitted that there has never been an attempt to use the license authorized and replace the pirated software .

The soldier also said that a soldier must be honest . Therefore he chose to disclose it to the public . And it's not necessarily reflect the figure as an anti - government .

The U.S. military itself actually has a good relationship with Microsoft . Earlier this year , the two sides signed agreements on the use of Windows 8 military ranks , Air Force and the Defense Information Systems Agency valued at 617 million USD .

The popularity of Windows Phone in India increased by 156 Percent

Windows Phone

India really into Windows Phone market with huge potential . Not surprisingly, Microsoft is trying to pull the three largest smartphone manufacturer in India to produce Windows Phone devices . Based on data from the third quarter of 2013 has just been released by IDC , Windows Phone smartphone sales rate increased by 156 percent compared to the year 2012 .

IDC noted that in the third quarter of 2012 , has sold 3.7 million units of Windows Phone smartphones . And in the third quarter of this year , the number of Windows Phone smartphone sales increased to 9.5 percent . Even so , in general, the market share of Windows Phone in India is still quite small , less than 5 percent .

In addition to Windows Phone , another platform height is increased Android . Level Android smartphone sales increased by 51.3 percent . Party IDC noted that the high increase in sales of both platforms for sale at a cheap price . Specifically for Windows Phone , the Lumia 520 is intended .

The impacts of global warming

global warming

In addition to making the earth hotter temperatures , global warming turns out to bring a number of other adverse effects , for example :
1 . Forest fires . In addition to exhausting ice , global warming also makes the forest becomes drier . dry forests is very flammable .
2 . Destructive peningggalan history . Heritage centuries old is now threatened by climate change .
3 . Erosion of mountain peaks . High mountains such as the Alps , for example , often covered by a layer of ice . due to global warming , melting ice becomes very easy . The flow is then scrape the surface of the ice mountains and can lead to landslides .
4 . Speeding satellite . Satellites orbiting the earth experienced friction with the upper atmosphere . due to increasing amounts of carbon dioxide , atmosfor at the top to be colder and harder to move . This results in reduced friction and satellites into satellites accelerate the pace .
5 . Changing the genetic code of living organisms . due to climate change , seasons changed. This season changes disrupt the life cycle of living things , for example , animal breeding cycle . As a result, the internal clock living things must change . The genetic code will inevitably be passed on to succeeding generations .

Historical and Scientific Explanation Regarding Vampire


Author modern vampire fiction , including Stephenie Meyer , Anne Rice , Stephen King and many others , have many unique and interesting knowledge about the vampire . But where did the idea of ??the modern vampire come from? The answer lies in the gap between science and superstition .
Some sources trace the origins of the vampire as a Romanian prince Vlad Tepes (1431-1476) , who fought for independence against the Ottoman Empire . Although most people consider it brutal and sadistic ( eg , slowly impale his enemies at the stake , burning them to death , etc. ) , in fact he was not overly cruel or not always cruel . Similar techniques are used by the Catholic Church and the ruling entity during the Middle Ages to torture and kill the enemy .

Bram Stoker is said to have mimic some aspects of the character Count Dracula Vlad Tepes . Although Tepes inspire modern vampire fiction , vampire ternyat roots are very different indeed . As a cultural entity , a vampire is a worldwide phenomenon . According to anthropologist Paul Barber , author of " Vampires , Burial , and Death , " almost every culture has some version of the local vampire stories , and surprisingly has similarities with the European vampire stories .

Beliefs about vampires actually comes from superstition and false assumptions about the decomposition of a body after death . The first record of the vampire circulated in Europe in the Middle Ages . These stories follow a consistent pattern : unexplained misfortune will befall one's cause , family , or they may be a drought dried up crops , or infectious disease outbreak .

Before science can explain weather patterns and germ theory , any adverse event that was not clear why blame the vampire . Vampire is an easy answer to the question of why bad things happen to good people . In those days , people combine their belief that something has condemned them and the fear of death , and then conclude that it may be that a dead person responsible for their misfortune , after the person has re-emerged from the grave with malicious intent . Suspected graves of people who would normally be excavated . Villagers then surprised and often assume the usual decomposition process as supernatural phenomena .

For example , a layman might assume that the body would decompose quickly , after the burial however , if the sealed coffin and buried in the winter , decay may be delayed for weeks or months ; intestinal bloating decomposition can create force blood up to mouth , so it looks as if the bodies were recently sucked blood . This process is understood by modern doctors through the coroner , but for society in medieval Europe it is considered a sign that vampires were real and there among them .

Although the original vampire is long gone , their legacy survive and vampires continue to fascinate the world . Presumably both the science and the wooden pegs would never kill a vampire .

Diet To Improve Brain Performance


Food is a source of nutrients for the body , including the human brain . It was no surprise when we eat eat very influential to the ability of our brain . Effect of dietary nutrients can not be felt immediately but must be consumed on a regular basis is good for breakfast , lunch and dinner . The following are some of the types of food consumed to improve the performance of the human brain .

The food we eat in the morning is the most important food for our bodies . These foods are the first source of nutrients that enter our bodies , and will affect the performance of the organs of the body throughout the day . In the morning meal is recommended to consume , low-fat foods such as fruits . Based on the research , fruits proved to increase the alertness of the brain in thinking . Beside rich in vitamins , fruits are also a source of antioxidants that can improve the immune system . It should be remembered , for ulcer patients avoid acidic fruits such as oranges .

Coffee and tea is a drink that is very good at breakfast time . Kafeine contained in both these beverages can increase the concentration of thought, reaction and perspicacity . Coffee and tea are also a source of antioxidants that support the immune system. Based on a research conducted in 2002 , proved even coffee can ward off Alzheimer's disease and mental decline due to aging .

Avoid foods that are high in fat and cholesterol , for example , meat , sausage , and eggs . In addition to difficult to digest , these foods can inhibit blood flow to the brain .

At lunch are advised to consume a diet rich in protein , for example , fish . Beside rich in protein , fish also contains the amino acid tyrosine . According to experts , the amino acids can stimulate the emergence of dopamine and norepinephrine . In addition to keeping the brain 's performance during the day , active dopamine can also prevent us from Parkinson's disease .

Legumes such as soybeans , is also a very good source of protein consumed . In addition to containing protein , beans are also lower in fat than meat , can lower cholesterol , and rich in iron , manganese , phosphorus and zinc . Soy can even prevent the onset of osteoporosis in women .
[Image ] Avoid eating rice , noodles , bread and sweet foods during the day . These foods contain a lot of sugar which can reduce the response of the human brain that makes us sleepy .

By the time dinner is recommended to consume foods rich in carbohydrates , such as potatoes , noodles cereal , oats , and rice . Carbohydrates in food will turn into serotonin which will make the brain become more relaxed . A relaxed brain will make us sleep more soundly so that the body will be refreshed tomorrow .

Oat is the best choice for dinner . Besides containing carbohydrates , these foods are also able to suppress the levels of cholesterol and rich in fiber which helps digestion .

Avoid foods that are high in protein at night . Also avoid drinking energy drinks or supplements brain at night . Energy drinks usually contain caffeine which makes it difficult for the rest of our brain .

Rabu, 25 Desember 2013

Sea existence on Saturn Moon

Saturn Moon

Ithaca Chasma fracture structures on the surface of Tethys , a moon of Saturn .

Tethys, one of Saturn's moon , is believed to have been below the sea surface. Berlembah - valley structure on the surface of Tethys allegedly formed due to the flow of water from the bottom which then freezes . This structure was named Ithaca Chasma .

Scientists estimate the giant cracks in the surface of Tethys was caused by the flow of warm water from the bottom . Due to the temperature at the surface of Tethys is very low , the water immediately freezes . These estimates are presented in the Conference on Science scientists Month and Planetke - 39 in Houston , Texas , USA . This conclusion is obtained through the results of calculations performed Errina Chen and Francis Nimmo of the University of California , Santa Cruz , USA . The flow of warm currents from the bottom is the temperature around the fault causes the giant Ithaca Chasma warmer .

The researchers argue , first orbit of Tethys on Saturn's moon interact with other named Dione . As a result of this interaction , turmoil under the skin that forms Tethys upward flow of warm water . Due to certain conditions , the interaction between Tethys and Dione ended so , Tethys continues to cool .

Freezing water in the Tethys pose thrust to the surface , causing the appearance of cracks . The water had been estimated around 100 kilometers below the surface of Tethys .

Tethys grouped into icy objects in the solar system , which is estimated to contain pockets of water beneath its surface . Included in this group , Planet Juipter month named European and Callisto . Another Saturn moon , Enceladus could also suspected of having the sea .

Aged 4300 Discovered Tomb in Saqqara


The archaeologists found two tombs at Saqqara 4,300 years old which is located 30 kilometers south of Cairo , Egypt . The second tomb made ??of stone and built for high officials predicted .
"Today we announce a big and important findings in Saqqara , the discovery of new stone age 4,300 parents know then , " said the head of the Egyptian Supreme Council of Archaeological Heritage , Zahi Hawass told reporters on Monday ( 22/12 ) . According to Hawass , the discovery of the two tombs are the beginning of finding a large and spacious cemetery .

Previously , the process of extracting only focus near the site of two pyramids , the Pyramid of King Djoser and the Pyramid of Unas , the last king of the fifth dynasty . Meanwhile , the location of the discovery of the two tombs is almost not been touched . " This means the royal cemetery is bigger than we imagined , " said archaeologist Saleh Suleiman , who served the second dig the grave .

Hawas added , excavation will continue, and subsequent findings will lead to the discovery of the fifth and sixth dynasties funeral Old Kingdom who ruled about 4,000 years ago .

At the top of one of the tomb door wide x 2.5 meters 90 centimeters written about a man , Yaamat , whereas in the second tomb , which is two times wider than the first tomb , there are carvings and images of a woman who was sitting .

Aidan Dodson , a researcher at the Department of Archaeology and Anthropology University of Bristol , UK , said the findings of the two tombs are not very meaningful . However , the possibility of finding a funeral to larger meaning . " These findings suggest that the vacant land at Saqqara map is not completely empty . Archaeologists who have not only dug it , " said Dodson .

Excavations at Saqqara have been going on for 150 years and resulted in the discovery of pyramids , tombs , and cemeteries of the era of the Old Kingdom , including archaeological sites in the Roman era . During excavation , the new findings are routinely found . Last November , Hawass announced the discovery of a new pyramid in Egypt to 118 , and 12th in Saqqara .

Hawass said , only about 30 percent of the monuments in Egypt were found , while the rest are still buried in the sand .


Unmanned Aircraft

Unmanned Aircraft

Tasks in the air is a task full of risks . Various attempts were made to minimize accidents and casualties . Drone technology is a breakthrough to reduce the loss of human lives in the tasks in the air . Drone technology like what has now evolved ? If you want to know the answer , check out the following explanations .

RQ - 8A Fire Scout : unmanned helicopter is adopted from the type of light helicopters Schweizer Model 330SP . RQ - 8A Fire Scout is used by the U.S. Navy on a reconnaissance mission . The helicopter can operate for four hours over a distance of 120 miles from the center of the control . Fire Scout is equipped with a GPS -based navigation system and is able to operate autonomously . Being able to operate autonomously , the control center can control three unmanned helicopters simultaneously . Sea Scout , development of the unmanned helicopter , even capable of carrying air-ground missiles (air - to-surface missiles ) for a bombing mission .

RQ - 2B Pioneer : Unmanned aircraft are the result of a collaboration between AAI America and Israel Aircraft Industries . This aircraft has been used by the U.S. Marine Corps , U.S. Navy and U.S. Army since 1986 . Pioneer assigned to conduct reconnaissance , surveillance , target acquisition , and supports both naval shelling during the day or night . The aircraft can be launched from the ship with the help of a rocket boost or launched from the ground with the help of a catapult . With a body length of 14 feet and a wingspan of 17 feet , Pioneer can fly up to an altitude of 15,000 feet for five hours . Pioneer can carry loads up to 37 Kg and can be equipped with optical or infrared sensors and mine detectors .

Boeing Scan Eagle : The plane weighs 20 kg can fly for 15 hours at an altitude of more than 16,000 feet and a speed of 60 miles per hour . The aircraft can be launched either from land or from a ship . Scan Eagle is an unmanned aircraft that can not be detected by radar , selin that his voice was barely audible . Scan Eagle Guided fly with a GPS system and is equipped with a camera and infra - red sensors .

Northrop Grumman Global Hawk : The Global Hawk is an unmanned aircraft which is the largest and most sophisticated in the world today . RQ - 4 Global Hawk is an unmanned aircraft that made the first [ eroleh certification from the FAA ( America 's body ) to fly and land at the civilian airport automatically. Because of these advantages , the Global hawak expected to be pioneering a passenger plane on automatic pilot in the future . At the time of testing , the Global Hawk is able to fly from the U.S. to Australia round trip to bring sejulah surveillance tool . For military purposes , these aircraft can be used to perform reconnaissance , surveillance and intelligence survey on large areas and long periods .

General Atomics MQ - 9 Reaper : Reaper is a multi-purpose unmanned aircraft that was developed to be a shredder . In the U.S. military operations in Afghanistan and Iraq , the MQ- 9 is equipped with AGM - 114 Hellfire missiles and used to hunt down and destroy the target . The aircraft can carry loads up to five tons , berkecapatan 230 miles per hour at an altitude of 50,000 feet and can fly as far as 3,682 miles. The aircraft is equipped with IR targeting sensors , a laser rangefinder and synthetic aperture radar . MQ - 9 can be assembled and transported to different locations with ease .

[Image ] AeroVironment Raven and Raven B : RQ - 11A Raven , made ??in 2002-2003 , is a small version of the 1999- vintage AeroVironment Pointer , which is equipped with a GPS navigation system , and control equipment . The fuselage is made of Kevlar and weighs two kilograms . The drone has a radius of operation of over 6 miles and can fly for 80 minutes at a speed of 60 miles per hour . Raven B is equipped with various types of sensors and a laser designator targets .

Bombardier CL - 327 : Due to the unique shape , this drone is often referred to as the bean fly . Bombardier CL - 327 VTOL is an unmanned surveillance aircraft engine driven Williams International WTS - 125 turboshaft engine power of 100 horsepower . With a maximum weight of 300 kg when takeoff , CL - 327 can function as a communications relay , inspect the state of the environment and patrolling in the border area . This aircraft has helped authorities in the fight against narcotics and in military reconnaissance operations . The aircraft can be airborne for hours and lime equipped with various sensors , datalink systems and navigation systems such as GPS and inertial both navigation systems .

Yamaha RMAX : This aircraft is an unmanned aircraft that is most widely used in the world for non- military purposes . Yamaha RMAX helicopter mini , can be used for various purposes such as for spraying pesticides and fertilizers , and conducted a survey for research purposes . This helicopter uses two steps YAMAHA engine and can fly up to a height of 500 feet .

Lockheed Martin Desert Hawk Desert Hawk began production in 2002 , to meet the needs of the U.S. military surveillance missions in Iraq . Desert Hawk is driven by an electric engine and equipped with a GPS . The aircraft can fly up to an altitude of 1000 feet , and operate autonomously with GPS guidance . The drone can fly at speeds of 57 miles per hour within a radius of seven miles.

General Atomics MQ - 1 Predator : Predator is capable of flying at speeds of 135 miles per hour this is an unmanned reconnaissance aircraft equipped with combat weapons . Predator is able to fly up to an altitude of 25,000 feet and a distance of 450 miles. Predator missile is equipped with two AGM- 114 Hellfire laser guided . This aircraft is the first unmanned aircraft to destroy the same target at the same target - land. Predator was first used in military operations in Afghanistan .

Shimabara Rebellion One Story Dark In Japanese History

Shimabara Rebellion

Rebellion Shimabara ( Shimabara no ran ) was an armed uprising in the early Edo period . This uprising involving farmers , Christians and ronin in Shimabara Peninsula , Hizen Province . Shimabara Rebellion lasted from 1637 until early 1638 . Shimabara Rebellion was the first major uprising since the unification of Japan by the Tokugawa clan . There are two reasons behind the emergence of the Shimabara Rebellion , the excessive tax burden and oppression of Christianity .

In the Sengoku period Shimabara is Arima clan territory . Arima clan and most of the population in Nagasaki has embraced the spread of Christianity by the Spanish missionaries . In 1615 , Shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu defeated the Toyotomi clan , his last rival in the Battle of Osaka . As a result , Arima supporting Toyotomi clan lost their territory . Shimabara then given to Matsukura Shigemasa . Initially , Shigemasa gentle acts against Christians in Nagasaki . However , to ensure loyalty to the shogun , Shigemasa began to oppress Christians .
In the fall of 1637 , 16 farmers were arrested and sentenced to death . This is because they pray in a Christian way . This incident aroused the anger of the people . They attacked and killed a tax collector named Hayashi Hyozaemon . The unrest quickly spread to the surrounding area . The rebels attacked government offices and Buddhist temples . They also killed the officials and monks . The victim's head was brought to the castle owned by Matsukura Katsuie Shimabara . The rebels took Amakusa Shiro , who was a teenager , as their leader . Amakusa Shiro is the son Masuda Jinbei , a follower of the former daimyo Konishi Yukinaga .

Karatsu , the people took up arms and surrounded the two castles are Hondo Terazawa clan and Tomioka . When the palace was in critical condition , the government forces were brought in from other areas on the island of Kyushu . Government troops repulsed the rebels succeed . The siege led by Amakusa Shiro at Shimabara Castle also successfully broken . They retreated and kekuasaankonsolidasi in the ruins of Hara Castle . Hara Castle is a former Arima clan castle while they are still in power . As of December 3, 1637 , the number of rebels gathered at Hara Castle reached 35,000 people . They consist of a ronin , farmers , and civilians , including women , children , and parents . They build a solid defense at Hara Castle . They have enough weapons , ammunition , and food supplies .

Most of their supplies come from a warehouse owned by Matsukura .
On December 27, 1637 , the rebels defeated the governor of Nagasaki, Terazawa Katataka . From 3000 Katataka troops , only about 200 people left . Katataka back and ask for help from the central government to crush the rebels . On January 3, 1638 , government forces under the command of Itakura Shigemasa arrived in Nagasaki . This force consists of more than 30,000 people . They managed to defeat the rebels in a battle . Government forces continued to chase and encircle the rebels at Hara Castle . However , a very strong defense of Hara Castle . The first attack caused many casualties on the government side , including Shigemasa own .

end Rebellion
By mid- February 1638 , the rebels have started entering a difficult period . Food and ammunition running low . Some dare to infiltrate the rebel forces to the government camp to steal food . Unfortunately , they were caught and sentenced to death . Matsuidara ordered autopsy of their bodies . They are only found in the stomach of grass and foliage . Matsuidara felt it was time to launch a massive attack . He decided to launch the raid on February 29 . However , the day before the army led by Nabeshima Katsushige already started to attack .

On March 10, 1638 , the entire government forces have been concentrated in Shimabara . In April , a great battle broke out between 27,000 and 125,000 troops rebel government . The rebells suffered defeat and had to retreat . On April 12, 1638, troops from Hizen Kuroda Tadayuki successfully penetrate the outer defenses under Hara Castle . Amakusa Shiro was killed in battle . The uprising was laid on April 15 , after fierce fighting and much bloodshed .

After the rebellion was crushed , as many as 37,000 rebels and sympathizers massive beheaded , including women and children . Amakusa head was taken to Nagasaki and displayed in public . Hara fortress burned with the bodies of the rebels in it . Christianity was banned in Japan and Christian followers were persecuted and hunted . Western nations Portuguese , Spanish and others expelled from Japan . However , the Dutch were rewarded with a trading post at Dejima for their help during the war . Then , from the small island of Japan opened his eyes to the outside world after isolating themselves during the Edo period .

Cheap Lamp Technology of Aluminum Foil

Lamp Technology of Aluminum Foil

Soon we will be able to find the light that thin , bright flame and low cost on the market .
Currently , researchers from the University of Illinois have successfully developed a cheap lamp made ??of aluminum foil . These lights are much lighter , brighter and more efficient than light bulb or fluorescent light is now on the market .

According to Gary Eden , the leader of the research , they will try to suppress the price of their creation lights to a minimum. Valuable high technology is more perfect biasany however , may not necessarily be enjoyed by many people . The development of this low cost lights , of course, will be able to help millions of poor people around the world .

Gary Eden and his team members , is one of the many researchers who are trying to develop a more efficient lighting equipment , durable and mercury free .
[Image ]
Bright beam of light bulbs Thomas Edison's creations have managed to make this technology survived for over a hundred years . Unfortunately , the work of Edison's lamp is not energy efficient . The next generation of lamps , which are often referred to neon , are more energy efficient . However , these bulbs contain mercury which is harmful for living organisms and the environment . Lights work Gary Eden and his friends are a new alternative to
light sources are energy efficient and environmentally friendly .

Eden Gary 's work lights made ??of aluminum foil soaked in acid akbatnya , light surface is filled by small cracks . Reaction with acid , also change the aluminum into aluminum oxide called sapphire . Sapphire is a solid structure that can be different voltages without damaging the lamp . cracks contained in the lamp is then filled with the gas , the entire surface is coated with glass bulbs .
[Image ]
The thickness of the light is less than one millimeter . Aluminum is also a elestis material , so the shape of the lamp can be adjusted to the shape of the surface where installed .

This flexible lamp not only has the potential to be used in residential and office buildings but also , used in medicine . The doctors from Massachusetts General Hospital have expressed their interest to take advantage of this light to treat psoriasis . Psoriasis is one type of skin cancer which now affects more than 5 % of world population . Although the disease is not found a cure , ultraviolet irradiation with a specific wavelength can alleviate the impact of this disease . Currently , the cost of psoriasis treatment is quite expensive . In one week , the patient must consult and undergo therapy as much as several times .

With the invention of the aluminum lamp , expected costs can be reduced psoriasis sufferers . Lights of aluminum foil can be arranged wavelength , wrapped in hygienic , and sold in pharmacies . People with psoriasis can obtain this lamp easily and paste on the affected skin with the use of plaster . Thus , psoriasis sufferers no longer need to visit the hospital .

Currently, the Lighting Efficiency Coalition ( Coalition for efficient light source ) , is trying to approach lighting companies such as Philips Lighting , and government officials in America . They hope that by 2016 , all outstanding conventional lamps have been replaced with energy-efficient products and environmentally friendly . Aluminum foil lamps creation of Gary Eden and colleagues is one of the central technologies they are proposing .

Titan Oil Reserves

Titan Oil

Recently, the researchers claim that Titan , one of Saturn's satellites that atmosphere are thick , saves the content of the natural gas and other hydrocarbon liquids are hundreds of times more than that contained in the Earth .
When this has been found several hundred lakes and seas on Titan's north polar region . To project the potential of natural resources there , the scientists measured the water depth using a comparator Titan lakes on Earth , where the lake depth is often less than 10 meters .

" The depth of the lake is estimated to be some 10 meters , because they looked very dark in radar . If shallow , we will be able to see the bottom , " said Ralph Lorenz of applied physics laboratory at Johns Hopkins University .

The conclusion obtained by NASA 's Cassini spacecraft monitoring . Cassini has now surveyed 20 percent of Titan 's surface . The observation results also showed that the content of the natural resources in some areas of the Titan already melebihisemua content in the earth's natural resources ( oil, natural gas and coal ) .

Nonetheless , Titan human uninhabitable . According to scientists , Titan's surface does not contain water , but of liquid hydrocarbons in the form of methane and ethane , while Titan formed from tholins mainland . This condition is allegedly similar to Earth in a time before there was life .

" We estimate there are similar Events at Titan's south polar region , but we do not yet know how much liquid content in there , " said Ralph . According to this data is important because of its lifetime Titan depends on how much the amount of methane contained in the liquid there .

If the methane content expires, the temperature on Titan will be getting colder , which is currently known to minus 179 degrees Celsius . Assumptions while , the methane content of diminishing returns through volcanic eruptions , which is thought to have led to dramatic temperature fluctuations in the past .

According to Ralph , to understand the complexities that occur on Titan can help us understand the origin of life in the universe .

Selasa, 24 Desember 2013

State syndromes of tales

State syndromes of tales

Generally , the syndromes named after the man suffered an expert who first observed the presence of the syndrome . However , there are a number of syndromes tablets dubbed the character name based on the famous fairy tale or novel . For example, the following syndromes :

Rapunzel Syndrome : Rapunzel , is the name of a princess with very long hair in a fairy tale . Medically , this syndrome is also called trichobezoar . People with this syndrome often experience intestinal disorders because eating her own hair . This syndrome usually appears in people with trichotillomania , a psychological disorder that drives sufferers to pluck hairs from his own head .

Othello Syndrome : This syndrome is named after the character in Shakespeare 's novel which killed his wife due to excessive distrust . This syndrome is often called delusional jealousy . People with this syndrome firmly believe that a partner is unfaithful . This distrust shown by accusing , trailing or even hurt their partner to prove their loyalty .

Lady Windermere Syndrome : This syndrome name is taken from the name of a character in a play by Oscar Wilde . This syndrome is caused by bacteria that lead to continuous coughing , shortness of breath and lung disorders . The syndrome is usually treated by taking antibiotics and anti- tuberculosis drugs .

Peter Pan Syndrome : This syndrome is named after characters from the works of JM Barrie who refuses to grow up . People with this syndrome show immaturity in many aspects of their lives . They refuse to be held accountable , refused to accept the prevailing norms , prioritize their fantasies and always takes care of his mother .

Mowgli Syndrome : This syndrome is named after the main character in the book " The Jungle Book " by Rudyard Kipling . The syndrome is described children with mental and physical abilities are weak due to rejection or abuse from his parents . This syndrome is also described children who grow up without contact with other people .

Cinderella 's Syndrome : Named by the characters in the story by Charles Perrault . This syndrome commonly experienced by adopted children or stepchildren . People with this syndrome generally will fantasize that they have been abused or neglected by adoptive parents or their stepmother .

Pickwickian Syndrome : The name is taken from Joe's syndrome Pickwick , a character in a novel by Charles Dickens , " The Pickwick Papers " . Medically this syndrome is also known as " obesity hypoventilation syndrome " . This syndrome is characterized by a combination of obesity and difficulty in breathing during sleep .

Huckleberry Finn 's Syndrome : This syndrome name taken from the name of the character in a novel by Mark Twain . Patients with this syndrome usually are children who have intellectual advantages . People with this syndrome have a habit of shirking responsibility they receive because they do not agree with the parenting , or feel neglected by their parents . This syndrome can also be suffered by normal children born to parents who have mental retardation .

Dorian Gray Syndrome : Dorian Gray is the name of a character in a novel by Oscar Wilde . Dorian Gray is a handsome man who wanted a portrait of her aging can replace itself. People with this syndrome have a critical attitude to the excessive physical appearance . They are not able to compromise with aging , and is highly dependent on the cosmetics and beauty products to maintain her youth .

Alice in Wonderland Syndrome : This syndrome name taken from the name of the character in the story by Lewis Carroll . People with this syndrome experience visual distortions and feel that part of the body or any nearby objects change size . Patients with this syndrome are generally migrant patients , epilepsy or those who consume narcotics and sedatives .